Know what I don't miss from reddit? Every other post with "1 comment" but it's just fricking automoderator to Lemmy.World – 302 points –

Thats not 1 comment, that's 0 comments.


You are viewing a single comment

What really pisses me off are entire comment threads filled with "happy cake day!". Like that adds anything to the conversation. There's 1/365 chance that any comment is made on their anniversary. It's not that rare when there's hundreds of millions of people posting (or whatever smaller percentage actually post)

It was even worse when they added commenting it as a feature to the official app.

You're kidding me. They did?

Yeah, you'd press a button next to a commenters name. That's why you'd see so many with the exact same phrasing.


I would always report everyone saying that as spam

Does Lemmy show them? If I look on your profile it literally says "Cake Day: (date)"

But I'm not sure if it would flag your account on that day.

Yes Lemmy also shows cake day on the comments. There will be a lot of those a year from now.

I am not going to miss when I make a post that I really need help with and for the only reply to be "happy cakeday"