Amazon pinches sellers: Use our costly logistics services or pay extra fee

fry@fry.gsmod to – 261 points –
Amazon pinches sellers: Use our costly logistics services or pay extra fee

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I stopped using Amazon years ago (sometime before 2016). I'd rather buy directly from manufacturers in most cases. Waiting an extra day for shipping isn't a big deal for me.

It's depressing how often I try to buy from the manufacturer, and their shop is an Amazon store.

This is so annoying. Also if a seller is selling the same fake product, it will get binned with the official retailers :) so it's just pot luck.

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Maybe it's just due to what I'm buying online but if I can't find it for sale on the manufacturer's website I often can get it from a 'smaller' retailer or the webpage for a big box store like Best Buy or REI.

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I started shopping at Walmart just because I can sort by seller and I know what kind of cheap garbage I'm getting if I buy from them. It drives me nuts that they all have these amazonesque garbage online stores full of alphabet soup brand names now but at least places like Walmart and Target still let you buy things from themselves.

Oh man...I got this backpack from Amazon, and it's honestly a great backpack, I like it a lot...but the seller named their brand Kaka. I got the backpack anyway...but very much cut the "Kaka" brand tag off.

It's so stupid that this honestly great backpack got saddled with a name that means "poo" in more than one European language.

And there was this other product I saw the other day that was something like "doukee".

I can't tell if it's an honest mistake, or if whoever is doing some of those English brand name translations is having a giant laugh at their expense.

afaik Amazon tries to offload the work of vetting its vendors by requiring them to have a registered trademark. This led to all the sketchy sellers making tons of fake companies with random strings of letters as names, knowing the USPTO is going to approve "AEGIJDU Clothing" because nobody is ever going to contest that name.

That's why you see a ton of identical products listed with supposedly different, super random brand names, in case Amazon tries to take down one of the "vendors" (aka, one of the real vendor's many fronts).

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