Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW to – 1451 points –

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Pop OS has native drivers for nVidia GPUs even 😎🐧

Correction: POP!_OS has their own APT deb farm that has the latest hardware stack. This includes the proprietary 535 nvidia driver and later as well as the kernel and mesa.

This is part of the history of the distribution as it was made to support system76's latest hardware lineup on top of an Ubuntu base.

Nouveau is the libre driver for Nvidia on GNU/Linux with Nvidia slowly segregating their proprietary driver into a firmware blob.

I think this is a bit misleading.

Most or at least the majority of distros offer the proprietary nvidia driver.

Pop, Zorin, Ubuntu, Garuda, etc just bundle it in the install media as an option.

I definitely had much less issues with my Nvidia card on pop os than I did with any of the other like 5 distros I tried.

have been using various distros over the years and never had issues with the nvidia driver on any of them 🤷‍♂️

Elementary OS didn't work for me (broke during install -- people online said it was video drivers), and on mint and Ubuntu gaming wasn't working exactly right. In pop os 85% of my games run though