Mayo Rule to – 404 points –

Someone’s been doing the lords work to weed out the sickos ordering a fucking ‘chicken’ at mc

How deranged you must be to casually approach the service and say ‘Hey I want to eat chicken here, you got some?’. 90% of mc employee training is just learning to not reply “you want a chicken? Go to a fucking kfc”

Nuggets are popular staples though. I doubt any employees where I live wouldn't just give chicken seekers nuggets without a second thought. They're gross, but still clearly chicken.

Nuggets are vegan food according to Stanford university researchers. The paper was lost but they did the gas spectrometry on their gases and found no meat digestion byproducts. No plants either. It’s actually the single most ethical food as it shortens your carbon footprint by 20 years.

Having worked in hospo I live and die by if you order extra you don't complain about too much