Wine 9.10 Released With Upgrade To VKD3D 1.12, Brings DPI Awareness Improvements to – 96 points –
Wine 9.10 Released With Upgrade To VKD3D 1.12, Brings DPI Awareness Improvements

I'm so happy about the DPI awareness. I have 4k monitors and when I install something through wine, the installers are tiny

I have an old Windows 2000 game that I plan to install on Wine and a 12 year old NVidia Graphic card. Half a year ago I strugle to get it run on #Lutris. I randomly activated and deactivated checkboxes, because nower was Manual with a proper description of the settings. I gave it up a some point. At least I resceived te Start screen without crash.
Are there any manuals how to choose settings for a game?

Protondb and Winedb both sometimes have steps. I personally use since it makes it easy to run OP runners

Looking forward to an upgraded crossover office along with it