Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is Officially Steam Deck Verified

Tau@sopuli.xyz to Steam Deck@sopuli.xyz – 115 points –
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is Officially Steam Deck Verified - Steam Deck HQ

The Last of Us Part 1 was also steam deck verified on launch, and had it's verified status revoked after it came out and ran terribly.

I would recommend waiting until it comes out and see what the reported performance is before buying.

edit: turns out I was remembering wrong, see below comments.

No it wasn't. Naughty Dog announced it would run on the SD, but it wasn't. It got verified only on June 13th. Just have a look on the history: https://steamdb.info/app/1888930/history/?filterkey=530

Did some searching, and you're right.

In addition to Naughty Dog announcing it would be steam deck compatible, Valve started using it in promos for the Steam Deck. Some game news sites took this as proof that the port had Valve's approval, and that the game would launch as verified. This was repeated by people on reddit, and had me thinking it launched as verified.

I outright ignore that and check protondb, I even got browser addon that shows protondb rating on Steam store pages

I bought the Dead Space remake on Steamdeck because it was verified. 30 minutes later and I've hit the refund button. I'm cautiously optimistic about this one though.

I played it on my PS5 and really enjoyed it. (To be fair I didn't pay for it) I've tried previous games and bounced off of them. But this one stuck. If it turns out to run okay. It may be worth it if you're interested.

Don’t install this one to SD. It’s gonna need all the read speed it Can get its fingers on.