EU to charge Apple under Digital Markets Act, impose a fine of up to $50 million per day - news to – 131 points –
EU to charge Apple under Digital Markets Act, impose a fine of up to $50 million per day

Good on the EU for supporting consumer rights over corporate profits.

Man I love the EU

Sometimes. But sometimes (like next week for example) they are also trying to implement mass surveillance of all EU-Citizens' private communication.

Eu is basically a bipolar legal monkey, sometimes they so something good. Other times they do chat control

Paradoxically, due to these charges, EU profit from the consumer rights.

Namely, the fact that Apple charges a "Core Technology Fee" for developers who want to "steer" users to offers outside of its App Store. There's also an additional 3% that goes to Apple if a developer uses its payment processor.

Hmmm... 18,250M per year or 18.25B per year. For a trillion $ company, that's 0.18%. Wasn't that supposed to be more?

Anti Commercial-AI license

In the article it says it is 5% of their global revenue each day. That is a lot of money, I have no doubt that they will fix it.