Google pushing web DRM into chromium to – 158 points –
[wei] Ensure Origin Trial enables full feature · chromium/chromium@6f47a22

Found on hacker news.


Here it is. Another nail in the open web coffin.

Or it will help develop a new open web that doesn't include these sort of things.

I have been using Firefox since forever so this sort of stuff doesn't bother me.

I'm happy to avoid websites that require it.

Will you be happy when your doctor/bank/government's website requires it? When health or law obligates you to comply?

This is much, much darker than just some replaceable entertainment sites being off-limits.

There are a lot of test proctoring services that only work on chrome that are required by schools/universities too. I hate the services, but I don't want to fail my exams, and these online tests/proctoring services are getting more and more common post-pandemic-isolation.

Ah yes, proctoring malware, because human teachers are just too expensive (but legions of highly-paid administrative staff, mysteriously enough, aren't too expensive).

At least you can confine the malware in a virtual machine right now, but that won't be the case for much longer. I'm glad I don't have any children…

I am using Firefox too. However I also consume lots and lots of general purpose websites which in time probably become not consumable if you are not compliant. Which in turn either render FF not usable, or adopt the unfortunate standards.

Even if it does implement WEI, it still won't pass validation. Each website will have its own list of approved software configurations, and you'll be lucky if your bank/doctor/government even allows you to use a Mac, let alone your favorite distro's builds of Firefox and Linux.

I rechecked the current spec. It does not fully cover what a user agent can ask to the attestor ( "content binding" to be defined). So we can assume this attestation spec is defined at the attestor.

Of course this does not mean attestor can not have different profiles to attest for.

So your comment even though is possible, just not defined yet. Which we can - I believe - rightfully assume will be in the final spec or implementation.

That's even worse. Websites will trust only Microsoft, Apple, and Google. Those of us who value our security enough to install Linux will be left out in the cold. We'll be such a small minority that no one ever cares enough to give up on attestation. The pressure will cause our numbers to dwindle to nothing as people flee to proprietary platforms in order to avoid losing access to their bank/doctor/government. All hail the eternal compulsory corporate triopoly.

For now spec calls "holdbacks", which are designed for this purpose. Attestors will fail randomly for a set percentage of the requests so this can't be used as a whitelist. Surely this "holdbacks" will either be not implemented or dropped in no time by attestors.

Surely. Remote attestation is only useful if it always succeeds on an approved device.

I feel dirty upvoting this. It needs to be known as such but I don't want to show 'support' for it.

You can feel better by seeing the upvoting system as a tool to raise visibility rather than a tool to show agreement with its content.

I felt this way for a while on the website that is a reverse of "tidder."

But then I realized engagement is visibility, visibility is awareness, and awareness drives change. Best we can do is upvote and add to the dissenting thoughts in the comments.

The fact that Google is willing to push such an obviously self destructive move suggests they’re getting really desperate.

yay! I can't wait to have a virtual machine with windows and chrome just to get an appointment for public services. It will be nice when other OS and browsers will be only usefull to post memes. I do miss the days when I needed IE, because my shithole country made a lot of public stuff only compatible with that.
