conquests rule to – 311 points –

Please link/name the creator, it's only fair.

Am I crazy, or are all twoucan images showing 404?

Thank you, sir; I'd saved that a while back for a comment and couldn't find the original.

Can someone explain this to me? I get nothing from panel 4 onwards, except that the hyena's mane counts as a beard...? Is it smelling it in panel 5?

the dwarf is the blacksmith. some fantasy worlds say dwarves have beards on men and women. here the hyena sees the dwarven woman not having a beard and says funny how false rumors spread. and she says it's not false; we just don't have it on our faces. it's lower, meaning it refers to their pubic hair.

Great explanation, thanks. I assume the "❤️conquest❤️" is also an innuendo...

yes, every "conquest" adds a new ring to the... beard.

She is implying she has elaborate pubic hair. The hyena is confused and then struck with realization.