Who Could Have Predicted This? Over 170,000 People Traveled Out-of-State for Abortion in 2023

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 335 points –

That was always the point. Rich people get to have abortions and live consequences free lifes, while poor people have to raise kids/workers to keep the machine well oiled. I'm so glad I'm not from the USA hahaha.

The clinics should start charging a huge out of state fee, that's means tested with a subsidy. Out of state and rich? Pay up.

Most of these women will skew young and have very little political power despite their wealth on paper. If they're actually rich then the price they pay will be capped by scab doctors worldwide.

Well, we already had "medical vacations" and "dental vacations" mostly to save money in another state or country. This shouldn't be surprising.

people caravan to Canada all the time to get cheap insulin. Or more frequently do a 'I fly you buy' type arrangement; with lots of people and people rotating through who runs to get it.

just wait until there are no more legal abortions and they're reporting deaths from trying to self-abort.

They'll spin it as "Air travel has been on an upward tick!"

Make reimbursement for travel, lodging and food mandatory for insurance to pay out.

Watch 24hr waiting periods, unnecessary ultrasounds and selective state level healthcare bans lose a shit ton of funding and support.

I wonder if there are any stats on travel patterns pre-Roe?

I doubt it. Plus, the population has increased so much since then that the numbers are undoubtedly smaller.

I’ve heard pre-Roe stories of docs and nurses running illegal clinics after hours where they kept no records. So that complicates things.

Yeah, I was assuming if there were any kind of data, it could be extrapolated from somewhat in order to predict how many people would be traveling and roughly how far, given:

  1. As you point out, different population sizes pre-Roe vs. now.
  2. Where the free states are now vs. pre-Roe.