Reddit CEO says he’ll change rules to end protest to – 8 points –

Main points: He plans to make moderators popularly elected to more easily vote them out.

Hopes the next frontier will be subreddits as businesses.

He does not want Reddit employees to take on the work. Moderator hours were valued at 3.2 million last year, 3% of reddit’s revenue.


popular elections in an ecosystem 1/4 bots, in which the admins hold ultimate unilateral authority.

come work for free

No thanks

builds an entire self-hosted instance of an open source, federated social media network...

He plans to make moderators popularly elected to more easily vote them out.

I totally second this idea. The last time we tried to get the internet to seriously decide on something we got Boaty McBoatface.

Hopes the next frontier will be subreddits as businesses.

Even better. All posts in these subs can be advertisements, perfect.

He does not want Reddit employees to take on the work. Moderator hours were valued at 3.2 million last year, 3% of reddit’s revenue.

Yeah, don't even spend 3% of revenues as a cost of doing business. The soon-to-be-community-elected mods will do it for free. Super.

The last time we tried to get the internet to seriously decide on something we got Boaty McBoatface.

And lo, the Internet looked down upon it's handiwork, and verily, t'was awesome.

All posts in these (business) subs can be advertisements, perfect.

And nobody will ever go there. And, two years down the track, u/spaz will hoik up the pricing or cut them off entirely because they're making money off of a non-profitable Reddit. "We want to work with the business subs but they're not interested in talking to us and have all thrown their toys out of the pram and shut down".

Doesn't matter what changes he makes I'm never going back to that site that it's filled with karma farmers, bots and onlyfans spamers

Yea I'm actually glad there's an exodus of people who care. The ones who don't, I don't care about them either.

When the subreddits went private I visited reddit three times, then a couple of times the next day, then once the following day. I haven't visited today and honestly I'm not missing it too much. If I get the urge to visit I just come here and it acts as my reddit nicotine patch.

Yeah I've been the same, and when I've browsed the comments there is so much aggro. Makes me wonder if it's always been like that and I was just blind to it.

Overall, the experience here is 1000 times better than Reddit

Honestly like, if he makes it so mods can be popularly elected/unelected, well, he's gonna end up with the other sort of Reddit protestor -- the feral shitposters -- tearing down every mod on the whole page. I assume he would have to reverse that policy at exactly the moment he gets rid of his ... enemies, I guess? -- or else ViolentAcrezMAGAEdition is gonna be running r/worldnews with Roger Stone.

It's the bots that'll rule.

There's a shit load of botting services out there you can pay to upvote your agenda. And those services have the revenue generation to pay for the exorbitant API access.

Unless a sub is private... anyone can vote in polls, even if it's restricted. Reddit may even have it's own bots jumping in at that point.
I wonder which is a less fair, russian annexation referendums or reddit mod votes.

I’ll go back to reddit for a day to vote him off of r/programming

There's also the long game of voting in the most appalling mods you can find.

Hey. I volunteer to change my reddit profile pic to a picture of me- with my pasty white legs- wearing socks with sandals.

Watch subs elect actual Nazis, trolls, incels and transphobes to be moderators for the lols and then the site ends up being a cesspool.

So you're saying it isn't yet?

After debating for a few days and watching u/spez spiral even further out of reality. I nuked my account. All comments and posts edited to gibberish and then deleted followed by my account.