Mandorule to – 111 points –

Bought a mandolin today and I can't put it down, I can't wait to write tons of pretty songs :3


Beautiful! Playing mandolin is a weird experience for me as a guitar player. Like... I know how this all works, it looks familiar, but it's upside down and everything is very close together. It's a lovely sound though.

I'm a guitarist too! The upside down thing is crazy, but I'm not having too much trouble adapting to it. I'm really loving that there are tons of viable barre shapes, working out melody is going to be nuts though lol

Tell me more about Victoria and her forrests...

They are being illegally logged and I'm super pissed about it, I grew up in them. The postcards are part of a campaign to help save them by writing to the state minister for the environment, I've been finding it hard to do because it's such an emotional thing for me...

Ouch. I'm so sorry. Thank you for organizing to protect them! Courage.

The first thing I played when I bought mine was Losing My Religion - so much fun to jam out to some REM on these beautiful lutes. Looks like you’ve got yourself one sexy sounding songmaker right there!

Thankyou! I adore it, it's probably my most beautiful instrument, though to be fair my keyboard is really giving it a run for it's money