Docked in desktop mode or game mode? to Steam – 17 points –

Is the performance for docked games better in game mode or desktop mode? Let’s say CS:GO - would the performance (docked) be better in game mode (resolution set in properties to 1080p) or desktop mode (1080p)? Thanks.

How do you use your Steam Deck docked?


The only real difference is that desktop mode uses x and game mode uses Wayland. You can usually get a better experience in game mode (Wayland) because of the performance tools that let you easily cap frame rate/etc.

Game mode uses gamescope, not Wayland.

We’re still waiting for wine and gamescope to be fully wayland compatible.

My understanding is that game mode uses Wayland as the display server, and then game scope is run as a compositor for running games and apps. However dispite game scope running on Wayland, it doesn't support Wayland clients yet. So all games running on it have to be run through xWayland instead.

Forcing a program or game to run in Wayland mode will prevent it from running, even though the base display server is Wayland. Honestly it's a confusing setup, but I'm assuming backward x support was the priority for compatibility reasons.

Gamescope is a Wayland compositor - It's running in Wayland when in game mode.

That is interesting… does this have an impact on performance? Or maybe having less stutter or Freesync with Wayland?

@cianmor I found that the resolution of games was correct for my monitor more often when in desktop mode. Also allows for using steam features you can’t in game mode. But I tend to switch as required if something seems to work better in one over the other

in game mode the resolution is fixed on 800p by default. you have to switch to native resolution in the steam settings of a game

Definitely desktop mode. Its a smoother transition to switch to desktop mode then plug into the dock then when done unplug and back to game mode.

I even renamed the shortcut 'handheld mode' cause it makes more sense to me. Alt tabbing and multitasking is critical and I just prefer the experience with how fun customising KDE is.

I disagree as in desktop mode you will be using X11 and will not have access to the features that gamescope provides. So I would still game docked in Game mode.

Ultimately those options dont matter to me as much on desktop mode as I see them more as battery saving options than features. Except for capping fps and global FSR but the latter can be enabled using proton-ge so..

And while I prefer wayland stuff to X11, X is still okay to use until Valve decides when its ready to change. The way I like to think of it is using the desktop mode for games like TF2 or Battlebit. Easy enough to run at decent fps and more fun and accessible to play on bigger screens. Cant forget alt tabbing to music and discord.

Can’t you just try running the games to see how they perform?