The Chongar railway bridge was destroyed last night by a Storm Shadow cruise missile. This is an important supply line for Russian forces. to – 319 points –

Hopefully it stays down for awhile, but Russia is typically quick to fix railways

Yea personally I do not see the point in using a terrebly expensive missile against just some rail. It can be repaired in like a day.

I'm not so sure they could repair a concrete bridge like this in a day, though. Rails alone, maybe, but this is not "just some rail".

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I don't know if the concrete is going to be able to support the weigh of a single car anymore. They could repair the tracks, but beneath that is going to take a few weeks to get the rebar and concrete to cure over.

That is of course assuming no structural damage to the situation of a bombs striking it multiple times.

Though knowing russia, they will do some mental calculus and say something like, the risk of a single car derailing is worth the risk.

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Now hit it again, maybe a 3rd time. Keep it down and unusable