This explains much.

Flying Squid@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy – 319 points –

You could win that one though. It was time-able iirc.

I don't understand this meme. This mini game was probably the only easy part of my childhood.

no shit, I won 90% of the time, just click click click, there was a timing trick to win everytime, was not rng.

It's complete RNG.

I love using save states in emulators to win this every time.


(after 2nd thing don't line up) AW DANG IT!

Seeing as you had about a 3 frame window to line up the middle one (and pure chance to line up the bottom one), don't be too hard on yourself

TIL there are people that never learned the timing trick with this game.

4 lives in world 1? You better figure out you're gonna need those

But my therapist doesn't accept Mushroom Kingdom coins as payment!

It's so easy to get free guys in Mario 3 that these were kind of pointless. The ones where you could win a hammer bros suit, on the other hand... Those were valuable.

I feel like I only ever won this like 2 or 3 times total