The top 2024 camera phones in review - Does a high-quality camera phone always come with a high price tag? to – 8 points –

2 out of the 4 phones are not available in my region. Or the fact that they all start at $469 minimum.

As for the A55. Outside of 12GB ram and sdcard support. Why would you not get the S23 Fe instead if all you wanted was a good camera? You get wireless charging, a flagship chipset (however inefficient and heat prone it may be) and a telephoto camera.

Why would you not get the S23 Fe instead if all you wanted was a good camera?

The A55 is less than 3/4 of the price in my country. And, as you point out, if the camera is the main concern then features like wireless charging and a faster chipset are irrelevant.

Hmm, its the exact opposite in my case. The A55 is more expensive here in india.

Wow, that's quite surprising. Is that a result of the S23 FE being underpriced or the A55 being overpriced? As I recall, India has its own equivalent of the A series, the M series. How does the price of the M55 compare?

Do they mean "phone cameras", as in they're reviewing the cameras on the phones? Because I don't think anyone has used the phrase "camera phone" (meaning a phone with a camera) for nearly two decades!