Google Pixel Update - August 2023 to – 89 points –

What’s included

The August 2023 update includes bug fixes and improvements for Pixel users – see below for details.


Fix for issue occasionally causing Bluetooth keyboards to not connect *[1]

User Interface

Fix for issue causing certain Live Wallpapers to display incorrectly in different device orientations *[2]

Fix for issue occasionally causing lock screen to not respond *[2]

Fix for issue occasionally causing home screen launcher search input to not register *[2]

Fix for issue occasionally causing flickering or glitches while in Hub Mode *[3]

Device Applicability

Fixes are available for all supported Pixel devices unless otherwise indicated below.

*[1] Included on Pixel Fold, Pixel Tablet only

*[2] Included on Pixel Fold only

*[3] Included on Pixel Tablet only


Can't wait for Verizon to push this out on September...

are non carrier phones not available in USA ? boggle my mind to buy a phone in 2023 with a carrier instead of just paying the phone in full like we do in Europe

I bought mine non-carrier, but update timing, I've found, is controlled by my carrier since it was activated on their service.

are non carrier phones not available in USA

Sure they are - you can buy directly from Google if you want. Phones from carriers are subsidized / free to hook you into a contract, but you can also just buy a phone and pop your SIM card into it.

I just learned the hard way that getting a p7 via carrier means it can't be bootloaded, which means I can't install grapheneOS on it. They gave me $800 off the phone if I bought through them, which was a nice discount, but it still sucks because I can't do what I want on the hardware. Lesson learned for next time.

Can you flash a generic ROM instead?

Technically mine is. I reflashed it back from graphene bc no tap to pay was a deal breaker. Though I did just get an update so maybe me reflash fixed my long-standing update timing issue.

I wonder if getting a smartwatch with tap-to-pay, like the Pixel watch could help with that? You could still continue to use GrapheneOS on your phone (assuming the watch has no phone dependencies).

That might be a solution. Once I'm done financing everything else I'm currently financing, I'll reconsider. Would be nice if they could crack compatibility with the backend that tap-to-pay requires. That would be the last element I would need to have a functional Graphene work for me.

They've been extremely hit-and-miss. My wife is still on her px5, and I upgraded from a px3 that I had loved to the original 6, which was atrocious in so many ways. I made the ostensibly lateral move to a galaxy s22 (a free trade-in at T-mobile) after just about 3 months and have been so much happier.

The 6 was absolutely not ready for prime time (bugs) when it launched, and that was a horrendously huge phone to be the smaller one in the line. Hopefully they've fixed that with the 7.

I do miss the appearance of that phone's software. Samsung is definitely way behind on android theming.

I have had a 6 since launch and never had a single issue with it 🤷🏼‍♂️

1 more...

I'd just really love my pixel to actually adapt to the fact that I sleep at 3pm until 10pm so when I plug in my phone during that time I don't need it to charge in one hour.

What happens when you sent an alarm for 10pm before going to sleep? Does it slow-charge then?

I have the daily alarm for 10:05 p.m. and when I plug the phone in anytime between 3:00 and 4:00 when I go to sleep it generally doesn't adaptive charge. It just says it will be charged in an hour and 40 minutes. Of course, since I posted this yesterday, it did not adaptive charge but today it did so it seems pretty damn random.

My z fold does that, is that not an android feature? It stops at 80 until like an hour before I wake up. My schedule is fucked too, asleep at 7pm to wake up at 3.

Yeah my pixel 6 pro has adaptive charging, which just means it'll charge at a slow speed so it's full just before my alarm goes off.