The Italian town that banned cricket to World – 77 points –
The Italian town that banned cricket

“They say cricket is not for Italy. But I’ll tell you the truth: it’s because we are foreigners"


They just hate the fact that there's a group of foreigners enjoy their free time.

Start to play soccer, you'll see how their brain will short circuit because they can't ban their favorite sport

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“Our history is being erased,” she tells me. “It’s like it doesn’t matter anymore. Everything is changing for the worse.”

Cry me a river.

"We need to get back to the good old days of the 1930s and 1940s!"

As a consequence the cultural essence of Monfalcone is in danger, according to mayor Anna Maria Cisint, who belongs to the far-right League party. She swept to power on the back of anti-immigration sentiment - and has gone on a mission to “protect” her town and defend Christian values. “Our history is being erased,” she tells me. “It’s like it doesn’t matter anymore. Everything is changing for the worse.”

Mhm racist asshole doing racist thing. Their history isn't erased, since you can't do that. It's simply enriched.

i have a hard time believing there would be fascists in Italy

fun fact: famed italian soccer club ac milan actually began as a football and cricket team.

Cising wanted to become a European Mp in june, I'm near to Monfalcone and the craziest thing is that she was quite a bit popular