Off meds due to shortage, making dumb memes to cope

Kelly Aster 🏳️‍⚧️ to – 68 points –

Darmok and Jalad... at Tanagra.

These are Jem'Hadar, not Tamarians. The Jem'Hadar are dependent on a drug called ketracel-white, only given to them by their Vorta overseers.

So, it makes sense they would be depicted in an ADHD meme.

Where at? Haven't had issues myself, are you willing to travel? Or perhaps in Europe? I can drop some of mine off.

Chicago, U.S. Thank you, that's very kind of you, but I'm good. I'm actually past the worst point of the withdrawals now. Was pretty awful a few days ago, which inspired this.

Hey! Same. I can't find any medicine in this entire city. Howard Brown told me to just try different pharmacies, so not very helpful

Lmao. This was me today on my day off I usually don’t medicate and it goes around the same till I smoke enough cannabis to relax a bit 😆