Vacation for Me, Not for Thee: European Workers’ Hard-Won Summer Vacation Tradition Is Slowly Being Taken Away

🦊 OneRedFox 🦊@beehaw.orgmod to – 25 points –
Vacation for Me, Not for Thee: European Workers’ Hard-Won Summer Vacation Tradition Is Slowly Being Taken Away | naked capitalism

Well, good for them. Maybe they'll wake up and smell the capitalism. I'm an American and I have lived in Europe for over a decade. I am a person who has lived through the 1970s, the 1980s, and to now. Never ever could my family, when I was a little boy, afford to go on vacation to another place. Vacation for us was a time to not be working. Like I said, I have been living in Europe for over a decade. You Europeans sure are into traveling when you're on vacation. It's really necessary for you to afford to go somewhere else for vacation, to disconnect, and all that. Are you really in touch with what most people experience in your home countries? I certainly can say you are not in touch. In Spain, we'd call you all a bunch of "pijos." Los pijos dicen, "dios mío, no puedo pasar las vacaciones en la playa" and etc. Welcome to the capitalist world, my bitches. You can't live all comfortable anymore just summering away in some other place other than your own fucking house. Which means, my euro beauties, you've unexpectedly become americanized. This is the new way of life for you unless you vote better in your democratic elections, to make sure you can summer away from home and have your lovely summer life you see in the media that you can't have, the same one I've never had, like ever.

I agree that people taking international travel as a vacation for granted is stupid, but also this seems just really salty? I'm sorry you didn't get to have nice vacations as a child but dang.

If you really want to dive deep into it, you should consider finding a copy of The Society of the Spectacle by Guy de Bord. It will very much explain to you, in much titty detail, how Europeans take their vacation time for granted, because they learned it all from the press. I'm not salty. I know basic when I see it. Happy voting in the next elections! Maybe try not to let the ultra right gain power? That would be nice.

Yeah again this is super aggressive and accusatory. You're in a socialism group suggesting Europeans are letting right wing parties gain power on purpose. Read the room?
Why are you so upset about this?

Hola, vivo en Catalunya, y no entiendo tu comentario ...

Seriously, by the end of this year I'll have had about 3 months of holiday. Almost nobody I know travels internationally because, to quote a work friend, "why would I travel when I live by a beach already?"

Seriously, it sounds like you need a holiday yourself.

I'm not sure you understand what .. anything is. But it's really ok to chill out sometimes