FOSS Automated Music ID3 tagger? to Open – 40 points –

This lovely community helped me find a few great FOSS options to deduplicate my out of control photo library, so thanks to all!

Now I'm wondering if anyone knows of an app that can scan a library full of digital music and auto assign (or auto correct) ID3 tags. Similar thing with the photo dilemma. I'd rip my collection to FLAC or MP3 and do a half-assed job naming and categorizing the files because I got lazy. So now my music collection has a bunch of albums listed erroneously as "various artists" for example.

Also, if you're digitizing stuff now, please don't be a moron like me and take the time to organize as you go. Good grief what a mess. Thankfully I've learned that lesson as I digitize old 35mm slides for my parents to save!


It isn't open source, but I like MP3 Tag. Following this anyway in case someone does namedrop a better app.

There's an open source reimplementation of it called puddletag that works pretty well.

Sorry, off topic, but do you have a link to the photo deduplication conversation please? I need to get mine sorted :)

Right here, friend! I need to finish my organization up but any of the options in that thread seem to be right on the money.

As long as you've got music files with some sort of metadata, beets is great. Handles messy metadata really well, and regularizes it while importing it into your library. Works off of musicbrainz, so I assume it will play nicely with the picard tool that other people have mentioned, but I haven't played with yet.

If musicbrainz has an acoustic fingerprint for the songs it doesn't need metadata. Picard is more or less the GUI version of beets.