Managed to remember my laundry today to ADHD – 65 points –

I spent two years stumbling through learning Home Assistant just so I could make custom sensors to alert me all through the house when my laundry is done.

Worth it.

Yep. I've got smart plugs on my washer and dryer, and when the cycle ends it sends an alert to my phone, makes an announcement, and changes some lights to specific colors. Worth it. Otherwise I might just forget about my laundry for days.

just put an alarm on evrything

Not so bad when you own your own washer and dryer.

Panic inducing when you use a laundromat or other communal laundry room.

Constantly get flashes of Marla Singer taking clothes from the Laundromat and immediately selling them at a thrift store/pawn shop. ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ

Idk man, I think it depends what the weather is like, and whether or not your home is climate controlled.

If I forget my laundry for a mere 4 hours in summer, it gets mildewy (gets hot and humid and I donโ€™t have central air, only window units, so they donโ€™t always run), and needs to be entirely rewashed on the sanitary setting.

This is the case regardless how often I bleach/clean the machine, I think the house water supply is the problem, but regardless, when itโ€™s hot, it can be panic inducing even if itโ€™s your own. That extra time to re-run (sanitary is 1.5 hrs to the 45 min of a normal cycle) has fucked up my day several times.

The number of times I've said "Ugh, I have to go do laundry" in a livestream chat and someone goes "oh shoot, thanks" is proof this works.