Jesus is too liberal to – 90 points –
Jesus is too liberal

Great story about how the christo-facists can abandon the teachings of Jesus will still calling themselves "followers of Jesus".


True Christians know Jesus was a dirty hippy

jesus was a dirty hippie smart mouthed punk.

mocked the powers that be, made a cult mocking the establishment telling followers to eat his flesh and drink his blood, hung out with queers and sex workers.

that's a punk, that's a hippie, that is not your friend if you attend church because jesus would be outside laughing at you.

If Jesus came back today he would make Bernie Sanders look like Rush Limbaugh...I don't understand why conservatives don't see that.

Because they don't want to see it. They want to feel superior to everyone else by claiming the moral high ground but don't actually want to adhere to the morality they pretend to believe in. Feed the poor? Not with my tax dollars! Love thy neighbor? No way! One side is Muslims and the others are black! The meek shall inherit the Earth? Not on my watch!

I was dragged to one of those evangelical gatherings once, it was cringe AF. Lots of crying, waving arms, praising Jesus.. that day I learned of a whole different mindset and lifestyle