Hurricane Hilary Could Create a New Lake in Desert

Flying to – 94 points –

A flood in March 2019 created a 10-mile lake at the park. In October 2015, kayakers were able to paddle around the park when 1.3 inches of rain fell at one time

Crazy to imagine what 4 inches will do.

2 more...

4 inches of rain in Death Valley, and the first time hurricane force winds hit California in recorded history.


That website gave my phone herpes. Jesus christ, what is wrong with these media companies and their horrific sites? Do they think people like constant pop-ups and auto-play videos that can't be stopped or minimized?

Sadly I don't think Val Kilmer will make a movie about this one.

I don't know how many movies Val Kilmer is going to make any more period. Poor guy can barely talk.