Me with my shelf of hyper obsessions over the years to – 343 points –

I also ended up becoming a jack of all trades in the meantime


Your hobby is collecting hobbies.

This makes so much sense

Also I wonder if this gif works or not, I know you can link images this way, but gifs?

Edit: Well it kinda works, it needs tapped on to play in the Jerboa app.

Works and plays smoothly on Connect app.

And you end denying yourself new hobbies, because you know it will be another fail.

Dang, does anyone have any advice here? If it was free stuff it would be fine, but there’s always some gear or materials to buy

A couple things that help are having a large group of people you know with a vast swathe of interests, going to a maker space, or sometimes even the local library can have info or supplies for things.

Or dipping your toes in on a budget if you can afford it

Edit: Or one thing that kinda helps me is trying to only branch into similar hobbies to ones you have the supplies for. Though I'm not too good at that either... hench the shelf.

I also seem to cycle through my multitude of interests which helps a bit, or applying different hobbies together but the brain craves what the brain craves and there's few things it craves as much as NEW