Fifa suspends Luis Rubiales from all football-related activity over Hermoso kiss to World – 253 points –
Fifa suspends Luis Rubiales from all football-related activity over Hermoso kiss

I strongly suspect that if he'd admitted he'd made a mistake, said it happened in the heat of the moment because he was so excited at their achievement, earnestly apologised, and perhaps offered to do some training, take a break or donate some money this would have all gone away.

But no, the moron doubled down. Macho morons.

Doubled down? He's so far down he might find diamonds. He claimed to have done nothing wrong after being condemned by the freakin prime minister. The audacity of this man is remarkable lol

Not only that he threatened to sue people who said otherwise, victim included.

This dinosaur is the total embodiment of rape culture. He even has the gall to claim that is was consensual, blames "fake feminism", etc., and of course the video showed a room full of men applauding him, and a few women who just stared. Good FIFA did what needed to be done. Horrifying that Spanish FA is doubling down and threatening to sue Hermoso for defamation.

It definitely wasn't consensual if she's insisting it wasn't. He also made creepy comments about wanting to marry her, and went into the women's dressing room to hug her and chase after her some more. Dude is obsessed. She's gay I believe too, she used to date another female player

Not only sue Hermoso but also kick all the other players protesting.

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He’s a jackass for refusing to admit that he was wrong and refusing to step down. When you’re making international headlines, don’t dig in. You fucked up. Step down.

Right-wing mentality cannot allow being wrong. Its a huge problem affecting everyone.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

The president of the Spanish FA, Luis Rubiales, has been provisionally suspended by Fifa following his conduct at the Women’s World Cup final in Sydney last weekend.

Rubiales has refused to resign from his post after kissing Jenni Hermoso – who has stressed she did not consent – on the lips, prompting Fifa to step in.

“This suspension, which will be effective as of today, is for an initial period of 90 days, pending the disciplinary proceedings opened against Mr. Luis Rubiales on Thursday, August 24.

“Likewise, the chairman of the Fifa Disciplinary Committee and in order to preserve, among other factors, the fundamental rights of the national soccer team player Ms. Jennifer Hermoso and the good order of the disciplinary proceedings before this disciplinary body, has issued two additional directives (article 7 FDC) by which he orders Mr. Luis Rubiales to refrain, through himself or third parties, from contacting or attempting to contact the professional player of the Spanish national football team Ms. Jennifer Hermoso or her close environment.

Likewise, the RFEF and its officials or employees, directly or through third parties, are ordered to refrain from contacting the professional player of the Spanish national team Ms. Jennifer Hermoso and her close environment.

“The decision adopted by the chairman of the Fifa Disciplinary Committee has been communicated today to Mr Luis Rubiales, the RFEF and Uefa for due compliance.”

The original article contains 324 words, the summary contains 230 words. Saved 29%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Would have been cool watching her stomp his ass right there.

In a new video you're able to see all the players, including Hermoso, with Rubiales on the same bus laugh about this like it's the funniest thing. That kind of thing is something you can't reneg on. Hermoso literally lifted him off of his feet in the air right beforehand. The guy had just seen his team win. I don't understand how you circlejerking idiots are making this out for "rape-culture". Is it that you're simply all kissless virgins? It was just a fucking kiss, not even something sexual. I suggest you crawl back into the cave you stumbled out of.

What a mountain out of a molehill.