protest rule to – 303 points –

alt text: caption reads: "politicians: if you don't like it, why don't u protest peacefully?" above larger text, "protesting peacefully:" in the below picture, a wojack protester, red in frustration pulls his eyes exaggeratedly down his face as he stands in a square in the streeet labelled "DESIGNATED FREE SPEECH". a 'fnord' with a clown pepe at the wheel honks at him. off to the side a sniper trains their sight on the protester.


Protests should be disruptive and scary to the ruling class. If they're upset, odds are that you're doing a good job.

It suddenly occurs to me that, if the notion that a government's power ultimately comes from having a monopoly on violence is true, then declaring that one will only protest peacefully is essentially giving up any power one might have in the event that one's demonstration does not convince those with power to do as you want.

You convince those with power to do what you want by hurting them economically. But that requires a massive coordination of the labor force which is rarely seen in the US.

I think it's worth pointing out that protest doesn't have to be "civil"

If they're lobbing CS gas into the crowds it means you're successfully annoying the right people. Keep it up!

PS: Take video and stream it to the ACLU. The big stink in the court case is how you get funding.

Every protest starts peacefully.

It is when those aren't heard that they become violent.

Look at the BLM protests for example. If people didn't try to dismiss a football player taking a knee during the US anthem by calling him a traitor, and actually did something about the police brutalities, the other protests wouldn't have been necessary.

Duh sig mated freeze peach zone :3

gets shot by rubber bullet in the ballsack