Not a bad price for doing the right thing to – 368 points –

I hope there are no windows nearby

He and his family are in Ukraine now. I'm sure they're watching over him very carefully, considering the propaganda value of having him alive.

How'd he get his family out?

Apparently it wasn't a spur of the moment defection, he planned it out with Ukrainian intelligence for quite some time beforehand.

This is the internet. We just say things are OK so we can all sleep better. Who needs proof. His family is safe in a nice farm upstate.

I mean goddamn good on him. He better not drink any tea that he's offered. 😬 This will be interesting to watch.

I get the whole propaganda thing, but this is really, really bad. He & his family are entirely too close; they need to quickly be disappeared into a witness protection program before they just, you know, die.

Image Transcription:

A still from the series Breaking Bad showing Huell Babineaux laying in a pile of money with his eyes closed.

Text above the image reads: "How the Russian pilot who got half a mil for surrendering a helicopter and getting to skip out on the Russian war crime carousel sleeps"

[I am a human, if I’ve made a mistake please let me know. Please consider providing alt-text for ease of use. Thank you. 💜]

lmao, I never knew it was from Breaking Bad.

I have been surprised at the origin of meme images quite a bit doing these transcriptions.