This is how my armor is displayed when not being worn. to – 171 points –

I have some additional pieces not on the mannekin at the moment such as spaulders, bracers and some leg armor. I also swap the helmet and tabard sometimes. For now though, I'm digging this look.

I hand made the chainmaille coif, and I also have a maille hauberk, but I don't display that as it's too heavy.


I'm sorry if you've answered this already - I had a scoot through your comments but didn't see; how much did this cost you to make? It looks like something you'd see in A Knights Tale, it's amazing

I've been buy pieces here and there for about 2 years now. Probably well over $1500 everything I've put into it. That's over 2 years, buy a piece here and there each paycheck. If you are looking to put something together like this. Just take your time, research exactly what you are looking for, and just get pieces here and there.

I'm imagining waking up in your guest room in the middle of the night and thinking the zodiac killer was back