Guys I found lemmy! to Lemmy – 244 points –

Hello, fellow kiwi!

Haha I'm Aussie, but your drinks are pretty cool!

They have Karma drinks in Aus? Cool!

Also screw you guys for getting all the awesome bands, we almost never get them over the ditch.

I would have bought tickets for Katatonia playing in Feb next year, but I have to attend a dear friend's wedding. Dangit.

If you have any taste for metal/progressive, I highly recommend Katatonia. Also Devin Townsend is playing in .. Nov sometime I think. That's always a great show too.

They're not uncommon in the UK either!

What? They're going to AUS? That's tempting!

Oh, FFS! The Sydney date is my wife's birthday... Not only will she slay me for my hypocrisy about avoiding international flights, there's no way she'll agree to a reversed birthday present