[Daily thread] How are you doing today?

mod_bot_995@lemmy.world to [Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual Conversation@lemmy.world – 9 points –

Now contact lens prescription. Should improve my current contact from 20/40 to 20/25 if it works. 20/20 isnt attainable anymore due to the nature of my vision deteriorating over the years but it is considerably better if this new prescription works.

In other news, I am now the top chemistry tutor in a tutoring community of over 200,000 students. I tutor for free to highschool and college students.

In other news, I am now the top chemistry tutor in a tutoring community of over 200,000 students. I tutor for free to highschool and college students.

That's awesome!

Way to bury the lead! :)

Excellent work

Unimportant fun fact, it’s actually “bury the lede,” but I’m here because I couldn’t remember why it was “lede” in the first place.

They spelled it “lede” to distinguish it from actual text to be printed so the ledes in the newspapers wouldn’t all accidentally be printed with “Lead: Mayor Opens New Waterslide.”

It was misspelled on purpose in the 1950s and now it’s a word that means something specific. Newspaper jargon is so interesting, like even “above the fold” and “slug” carried over to web development.

Anyway, great work OP! (With an extra fact)

Its going alright, went to work super late though and forgot to do one thing I was supposed to do and now I have to bump it to tomorrow. But the weather is nice, had a nice lunch and having a good cup of coffee now.

Started ordering groceries for pick-up to save time (and money maybe). It was nice. Trying to fit 75e / week (Finland) for groceries for two people now, hopefully we can achieve that to reduce the money to groceries a bit.

Fiancée got bit by the gym-bug which is nice, though she keeps trying to get me to go with her which is a bit annoying. I have been considering it and starting the StrongLifts 5x5 program, I used to do it a loooong time ago and it was nice. I just really dislike the idea of going to the gym.

Doing a self searching journey in japan. If you got any weird recommendation around kobe-osaka, I promise I will post pic there.

Sounds like an amazing experience! Would love to do some soul seeking in Japan.



I can't recommend the niche museum's highly enough. It's wonderful to get a glimpse into some excellent work in history.

As promised! This was the earthquake memorial! Amazing stuff here!

Amazing! I'm glad you got to travel there. I hope your trip is going to be really awesome

Don't have any weird recommendations, but if you can manage a day trip to Nara from Osaka, it's pretty great.

Finish few another tasks and going for the next one today!

Added hamstring and leg stretches to each Lap of my swimming. Its amazing to see the progress in terms of movement at the start and 90 minutes later at th end...

Everything aches a little, guess that's a good sign.

I got my driver's license today! Whoo

I'm doing pretty good. Today woke up at 6 AM, which is something that I'm not used to doing, and it felt great :)