National alert rule to – 600 points –

We actually have a test alert at noon every first Wednesday of the month (sirens only, no broadcast or GSM).
Japanese tourists freak out every time.

You all should collectively agree to scream and start to run when the sirens go off, to traumatize the tourists.

I used to be a tour guide but now I have an office job. Should have taken the opportunity, worth getting fired from the miserably paying work...

But there is a holiday in early July and it's Wednesday in 2027. ! RemindMe! 1370 days "scare tourists". Or 8^th^ of May 2024 but that might be too cold for widespread international tourism. ! RemindMe! 207 days "scare tourists"

so glad i disabled all """emergency""" alerts


on android ≥12: settings → safety & emergency → wireless emergency alerts → allow alerts = off

i am on grapheneos, but this should work for all newer versions of android. for ios or android <12, im not sure sorry