Google Tensor G3: Everything you need to know about the Pixel 8 processor to – 54 points –
Google Tensor G3: Everything you need to know about the Pixel 8 processor

Why does the author care about raytracing?

Hardly anybody uses raytracing on desktop why would they do it on a phone?

I have a 3080 but I never use raytracing because it's not worth the loss in framerate.


"this phone can't even raytrace the coinbit using the chains of blocks, how can it connect to the 5G when the internet is a series of tubes?"

Nvidia owners on that comment on the AMD sub reddit care a bunch about ray tracing.

The real takeaway would be efficiency.

Most of us will benefit more from a processor that's more efficient paired with a highly capable battery.

Anything performance wise outside of that will be occasional use compared to every day use.