Impossible Photo Feat Now Possible Via Holography to – 61 points –
Impossible Photo Feat Now Possible Via Holography

Now you can focus on anything while giving up nothing, with simple, cheap optics


How does this differ from what Lytro did in 2012?

Lytro was basically tube of different lenses at different focal points. It was actually kind of a low tech solve.

This abstract is one of the worst things I’ve ever read. It’s loaded with jargon. That said it looks like they’re trying capture depth by seeing how different light waves bounce off a subject at different angles.

I guess all the “ENHANCE” we saw in movies and tv wasn’t bs, just ahead of its time.

I'm doubtful that anything will ever percolate into generic hardware from this.

It would be insanely useful though.

The article is predicting that smartphones and movie cameras might adopt this.