Could you Crash PipedBot to – 18 points –

Could it crash if enough accounts post links that need converting? Either if enough people started spamming links or someone got a bot to make posts.


I haven't read the code, but I would expect that it would not crash but just queue up a lot of work and proceed through it steadily.

So it could essentially be locked if too many links are constantly posted - but then the creator could just give it more resources to catch up with the queue. In addition to this, the link conversion is ridiculously simple as it's just appending the video id to a piped-link (no complex calculation or API requests required). So it doesn't even need a lot of resources to begin with.

With how simple its job is, I imagine something else would likely break first.

It doesn't convert anything really, it only builds a link and posts it.

What is pipedbot?