Google Messages for Web readies account-based pairing w/ emojis

ijeff@lemdro.idmod to – 51 points –
Google Messages for Web readies account-based pairing with an emoji twist

It's kind of amazing it took this long - I don't know why they didn't do it this way from the start.

With how often Google drops messaging apps, they were probably having internal conflicts with another messaging app in the pipeline.

Google messages won this round of rock, paper, and scissors and lives to see another day. lol

With how often Google drops messaging apps, they were probably having internal conflicts with another messaging app in the pipeline.

Google Messages is just their SMS app. How would that be in conflict with whatever else they have in development?

Since when did you need to scan a QR code to read your text messages on a desktop? I've never had to do anything like that.

Huh? I've had to do that for years now. How did yours ever pair?

Why would you need to "pair" something that's over the web? Just log into your Google account and view the messages through Hangouts. Last I checked, it still works.

Hangouts and Google messages are very different. One notable difference is that Google Messages still exists.

That's how I get WhatsApp on a desktop browser, have done for years. Sometimes I'm sending a photo that's only on the hard drive. Also it's easier to type.

Fun fact, Element / Matrix have had this covered for ages.