RSF video investigation into the death of Reuters reporter Issam Abdallah in Lebanon: the journalists' vehicle was explicitly targeted to World – 190 points –
RSF video investigation into the death of Reuters reporter Issam Abdallah in Lebanon: the journalists' vehicle was explicitly targeted

Obviously, Hezbollah was using the journalist as a human shield.


There was an entire Hezbollah headquarters inside the trunk of the car.

β€œWar criminals, while withholding food and water from victims, take time out of war crimes to commit war crimes. More at 11.”

From the article

Five days earlier, on 9 October, the Al Jazeera journalists had suffered a similar attack in the village of Dhayra in southern Lebanon: according to their testimonies, an Israeli helicopter flew over them before a missile fell next to their car – of the same model as the one bombed on 13 October – also bearing the word "press".

With a can do attitude and the try try again mindset, your failures become successes. Doesn't matter if your targeting a journalist for murder or trying to run a small business.

Nothing more classic than Israel assassinating journalists.

This is the one the IDF took responsibility for and apologized for? Or is this a different one.

They took responsibility for it but claimed it was unintentional, if I remember correctly

Off topic, but I really like how the website inhibits YouTube.... before you click it.........

Actually, I just checked again while I was typing, it's just for show. You can't see the video until you click to allow it, but the connection to multiple Google servers (allowing triangulation of internet routing) happens straight away.