Rep. Lauren Boebert to force House vote on impeaching Biden to – 31 points –
Rep. Lauren Boebert to force House vote on impeaching Biden

The Colorado Republican is using a procedural tactic that requires the House to hold a floor vote on the resolution.


performative lunatic performs lunacy. everyone looks, some later discover their wallets are missing. another day in kleptocratic America

Your comment is so heartbreaking, because we’ve known for a long time, for either major party (and a few who actually hold out and don’t completely im/explode under pressure), has skipped oligarchy, collected unknown and untold billions from the poor duped and utterly unbeguiled alike, and gone straight to kleptocracy, and very few have had the intestinal fortitude to call a spade a spade, verbally or otherwise.

It hurts, and it is the last thing I wanted or needed to think about today. But thanks for being honest about it anyway.

The people who's job it would be to call the spade a spade have been entirely compromised for a long time now.

I'm so sick of her and that other screeching harpy, Marjorie Taylor Greene. They seriously need to be voted out, but I have driven through Marjorie's district, and those hillbillies fucking love her up there, based on the number of signs for her and Trump.

I have driven through Marjorie's district, and those hillbillies fucking love her up there, based on the number of signs for her and Trump.

If I were making decisions about where to relocate my company or to invest in a region, I would certainly be hesitant to do it in a place that celebrates that sort of behavior. I suspect MGT's district of GA-14 is inhabited by the worst people in America given her popularity there.

If you want to see something truyly depressing, hit up the YouTube comments under any video about this moron. Conservatives fucking adore_ her. It's a truly bizarre mix of people crowing about how smart and hard working and sexy (hork) she is. They swing back and forth between boastful comments about how "that's THEIR congresswoman" and comments about how bad they want to fuck her. It's just psycho - all you need is a penchant for pissing off normal people and conservatives will guzzle your Kool-Aid endlessly.

Nancy Pelosi, Michelle Bachman, Sarah Palin… Various other females from either side of the aisle and plenty of leaked contents were explicitly crude, ignorant and otherwise collectively misogynistic (and various women and men on either side of the aisle seem to endorse, enjoy, or some combination of that and everything else).

I'll admit I kinda want to fuck her... Not in a romantic laying by the fireplace way, but maybe in a Wendy's bathroom.

Pretty sure that her day of reckoning will come; hopefully involving prison time.

She won by less than 500 votes! She does not have the support for crazy stunts anymore. Damn, I hope her district is watching this shit.

Watching her struggle to read her own speech was both funny and sad... not saying I'd do much better but I also don't pretend to have the ability to represent/lead a congressional district either.