Israel ‘severing all contact with Gaza’, will send Gazan workers back to enclave | CNN to – 72 points –

Israel will return Gazans working in the country back to the besieged Palestinian enclave, Israel’s Security Cabinet announced on Thursday, adding that it would also sever contact with Gaza.


I wish Israel would stop 'contacting' Gaza. And the West Bank. Each time they do, someone has to hope a parent wrote a child victim's name on their arm to identify them.

I mean if they would stay in Israel how would they be able to be bombed? They might hit some Jewish houses in kollateral dammage.

"Yeah ahhh, We know you've all been working here in Israel with us for the past, uhh, however many years or decades but uhhhh, if you could go inside that fenced in area and stand in the middle near a big red X, we would appreciate it."

I liked it better when far right know-nothing blow hards pretended they knew stuff about domestic politics. Hearing them put thoughts together on the middleeast is like watching a four year old try to give a lecture on, well, the middle east.

Makes sense to me. The defacto government of Gaza waged war with Israel. Gaza clearly had a sustainable plan of action to do such bold measures. Either that or they are idiots.

Do you believe in war crimes?

It’s not a war crime to stop doing business with a “country”.

Actually besieging a civilian population even to the point of depriving them of food, water, and electricity is, but I guess it's justified if you really don't think the civilians being threatened are people.

They should have their own infrastructure for these things if they want to claim their independence and declare war with Israel. Hamas, their defacto government, is committing the war crimes. IDF told the civilians to leave, so they can flush out the Palestinian military (Hamas), who are at war with Israel. The civilians did not leave and are aiding and abetting the enemy. That makes the adults insurgents and the children their fault for putting in harms way.

It's really weird to me that your entire position seems rooted on the assumption that Palestine has always been a fully independent and sovereign nation that just shockingly attacked Israel out of nowhere last month.

Israel allowed the Palestinians to have Gaza and the West Bank in the 90’s as a peace offering and for them to form their own government. They were headed for a two state solution at the time, but that got destroyed by religious people on both sides. After that, the governments of Gaza have used their territory to launch rockets at Israeli towns and cities. Israel continued to do business with these territories in order to help build them up in a way that would help them get educated and possibly assimilated into Israeli society, but they instead allowed their government to wage war on Israel. These people are refugees from Arab countries that won’t accept them. Israel graciously did and granted them their own territories. They were thanked for this by war. Sounds like a Palestine problem and not an Israel problem. We can get into the history of who is native to the land, but I assure you that you won’t win that.

Wow if all that is true Israel sounds like the most wholesome organization in human history.

How about bombing refugee camps? Cutting off all food/water/fuel to the open air prison you run? Does the moldy turnip you call a mind consider those warcrimes?

I don’t know many open air prisons that have a defacto government that can declare war and has a military in the tens of thousands.

You mean the terrorist group that Israel funded for the express purpose of delegitimizing the Palestinian Authority to help prevent a Palestinian state from being formed?

"The idea was to prevent Abbas - or anyone else in the Palestinian Authority's West Bank government - from advancing toward the establishment of a Palestinian state," writes journalist Tal Schneider in The Times of Israel.

"Thus, amid this bid to impair Abbas, Hamas was upgraded from a mere terror group to an organisation with which Israel held indirect negotiations via Egypt, and one that was allowed to receive infusions of cash from abroad," writes Schneider.

Yeah, weird that this group is in charge of the open air prison....

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