What is with all the ex parte scenes in Law & Order?

cheese_greater@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 13 points –

How is it that the prosecution is allowed to privately confer with the judge in camera when the defense attorney is in the courtroom/at trial?


They probably didn't hire any lawyers for their writing team. This is pretty common in legal movies and shows. They aren't making movies for lawyers who know about ex parte hearings. They're making movies for the average Joe who can be convinced someone was found guilty in a civil case.

I'm nowhere near being a lawyer lol. I just hate unfairness

Edit: there's just no way they don't/didn't have legal consultants to a one-over. Maybe their objections were overruled...bang!

Edit: also I have a heart-on for justice!

It's "hard-on"... As in your dick getting hard

How great would it be if this made c/BoneAppleTea, welp?

Edit: for some reason it made sense at the time

Heart-on is lovely. It sounds like something you love or are passionate about rather than making it sexual. Your meaning came across fine.

What tf is up with all this hentai content?

And what's the deal with airline food?


I wish you would all provide proper citations for your hooligan memes =)

It's from an old youtube abridgement called "CodeMENT" from PurpleeyesWTF. Basically it's like watching Code Geass (the old anime) while being high LSD, and probably a few other substances. That thing lives rent-free in my head for the remainder of my life.

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K so mea culpa, I think I misconflated the assistant district attorneys consulting with the NEW DA, the blond chick. She came across as very judgely but she seems to have replaced former DA Adam Schiff.

So no unauthorized ex parte hanky-panky. I was clearly too drunk and blind to be just ⚖️

Edit: in my defense, the DA's chambers are very similar to the in camera chambers 🤔 and she may or may not have been drinking