TIL that millennial dads are spending 3 times as much times with their kids than their fathers spent with them. Back in 1982, 43% of fathers admitted they'd never changed a diaper. Today, that number

inkican@kbin.social to Today I Learned@kbin.social – 9 points –
Millennial dads spend 3 times as much time with their kids than previous generations

Not surprised. Loving your kids is now socially acceptable for men. But loving kids in general is not yet socially acceptable for men, sadly.

We really need more men in childrens lives again. I remember growing up with male teachers in my elementary and grammar schools. That is essentially gone these days

Whoo, does this put me in a good mood.

My dad did his best considering he lost his dad at 14, so I don't blame him too much. But if there was something I knew I'd do one day as a dad (currently have a 4-year-old daughter) it'd be spending free time with her.

My generation isn't the best, but I knew this was a statistic we'd slam dunk.

Millennials these days don't even know how to neglect and terrorize their kids!

Millennials: killing the 'neglected elderly' industry!

No no, those neglecting parents dug their own neglected elderly hole...

Yeah, how dare I, degreed, spend every waking moment earning a roof and food, clothing and health care/wellness care for my kid!

Why should you need to spend all your waking moments earning enough money for those things?

So billionaires and international corporations can get tax breaks, I guess. Also I didn’t get child support. A trifling amount, but it would have helped, at least with diapers, at that time.

My father proudly states that he didn't change a single diaper for me or my siblings. My eldest spends one day a week with them, and he still refuses to change diapers saying that's "women's work".

I, on the other hand, have no problems changing diapers. I will ask my wife for help if there's a bad blowout though.

Ever ask why he's so afraid of getting his hands dirty and suggest maybe he should man up?