Pentagrule🏴‍☠️ to – 643 points –

I'm not sure if Fediverse even has an official logo but this one looks neat.

::: spoiler Alt Text: The guy who created the fediverse: so I made this federated social network ruled by a cabal of gay demons but it needs a logo

Graphic designer: I got u

Below is the logo of the Fediverse, which resembles a rainbow pentagram.



I am surprised that no alt right bigot freak has yet banned the Fediverse from my country 🤌🍕🍝🇮🇹

First they'd have to figure out how to get online on something that isn't Facebook, then they'd have to understand English

Cabal of gay demons always have the funnest things.

Not much is known about the cabal except a dagger with the symbol was found next to an ancient thinkpad.

For me it always reminds Joomla.

I had been wondering what it reminded me of, and Joomla is exactly it. I haven't thought about it in ages.

I still have PTSD even though it was just one project in 2011 and I immediately GFO once I learned it.