Server 0.17.4? to Beehaw – 14 points –

What's the story with this? I'm getting it every time I log into Beehaw over the last few days. And Beehaw keeps crashing without warning and going straight to that same warning. Should I worry?

This isn't happening on any of my other Fediverse accounts, by the way.


at least one app is already forcing Lemmy 0.18 but we haven't upgraded yet (we'll be doing so either tomorrow or Tuesday), hence the error

Take your time.
Jerboa seems to still be working (for me at least) despite the error.

Seems like a major version bump with breaking changes

Ah I think 0.18 changes how the server talks to clients like your app or the website, and the app you're using didn't keep backwards compatibility with the previous version which is what Beehaw is still on. 0.18 landed, uh, was it yesterday or the day before that or something like that, so it'll just take them a few days

What mobile app is this? It appears that the app developer has specified a minimum supported version which is newer than the current version of Lemmy that Beehaw uses.

Jerboa has been showing this (actually even before 0.18 was released, "funnily" enough)

i can't seem to post since Google apps upgraded to jerboa 35

jerboa is not working from my end at all.

Me either. I logged out and can't log back in. I receive a "server version too low" error. Guess I'll wait until later today or tomorrow until the server is upgraded.

Just wanted to plug the "progressive web app" for Lemmy for those on a mobile app. When you're on your Lemmy page in your browser, open up the browser's menu and click an option that says "install app" or "add to phone."

This will add an "app" to your phone's home screen for Lemmy. When you use it, it'll be your browser, but slimmed down (no navigation bar or menus or anything) so it works pretty much like a dedicated app. But since it's just using the browser, you don't run into compatibility issues, or have to wait for features.

Jerboa is crashing more and more frequently. I'm getting maybe five minutes between crashes now.

I wish I could see the crash logs to actually get insight as to specifically why jorbia is crashing for me

Also got the warning after upgrading to 0.0.35 from F-Droid this morning, but after tapping "Ok" I can access beehaw and other instances normally. Jerboa does not crash at all on my phone, neither before nor after the update (FP3, /e/os v1.11 based on android 12).