Ruling over 30.000 feet

no banana to – 354 points –

30 doesn't seem very high

He's excited with how precisely we know it to be exactly 30.000 feet. No one wants partial feet!

funny and all, but is there actually a universal way to mark this? I personally use "." for decimalpoint, "," as a seperator, and spaces or nothing between thousands (or whatever they're called)


  • 34 673, 60 137.5, 3.14
  • 34673, 60137.5, 3.14

I do . for dedimal and , for separating thousands.

E.g.: 123,345,678.9

Although where I live, it would generally be written as: 123 345 678,9

Or how about either 123'345'678.9 or 123_345_678.9?

last one is nice for coding or text in general. But I can't never imagine myself writing that on paper. On paper I don't even use what I stated above, now that I think about it. I write on paper like: 12 345,6 ; 78,9

wierd huh.