Andrew Yang supporting Dean Phillips and Nikki Haley

Ziggy to politics – -14 points –

Andrew yang made a post earlier today saying that he believes Dean Phillips and Nikki Haley are better alternative then joe Biden and Donald trump.

In my opinion I think the only good candidates for the 2024 presidential run is Jill Stein and cornel west, and I wish the would come together and run but I can’t force what the don’t want.

My views on Dean Phillips are that he may actually be the best choice in the Democratic Party but he has a tendency to argue with people on X like he’s a child and not a congressman but there is definitely worse cough cough trump.

My view on Nikki Haley is very bad. She don’t know why the civil war happened which is mind boggling but I also just don’t like majority of her policies. I think Chris Christie is the best republican running but I think he needs to get his policies out more because if you don’t watch his town hall meetings then you aren’t going to know his policies.


I don’t think it was that Haley didn’t know about the issues of the civil war. She delicately danced around the topic because she didn’t want to turn off typical MAGA voters, especially in the south where they fervently still say it was “states rights” and “northern aggression”.

Dean Phillips is basically a younger version of Biden- he’s voted with Biden on virtually everything.

Which is interesting because he’s one of the few dems also calling Biden on his bulllshit.

Trump is objectively awful. Biden is merely bad.

And my opinion of Yang keeps sliding further and further. I regret that I once considered myself a member of the yang gang.

people need to stop downvoting stuff like this. why you shooting the messenger

Imagine calling Nikki Haley's week "a bad week".

fuck off andrew you dirtbag

How is this shooting the messenger?

If you read the post OP gives you several opinions.

The only person mentioned in this that isn't total garbage (allegedly) is Dean Phillips.

It is bizarre that Americans spend this much time actively campaigning.