Plagiarism charges downed Harvard’s president. A conservative attack helped to fan the outrage to – 82 points –
Plagiarism charges downed Harvard’s president. A conservative attack helped to fan the outrage

Plagiarism as a student was at minimum an F in the course and academic probation when I was attending university(~2010). Expulsion was always on the table. I do not see an issue holding those in higher positions in academia to a similar standard.

The guy NPR interviewed just ranted the entire time about how it was an attack on her as a person and that everyone in higher academia at Harvard as made mistakes this she did. He also avoided answering direct questions on the topic.

I'm thinking there are a lot of plaigarists at Harvard.

Exactly right.

John Pelissero, a former interim college president who now works for the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, said instances of plagiarism deserve to be evaluated individually and that it’s not always so cut and dried.

“You’re looking for whether there was intentionality to mislead or inappropriately borrow other people’s ideas in your work,” Pelissero said. “Or was there an honest mistake?”

Good luck using this excuse as an undergrad after making the same "mistake" dozens of times.

Dismissing the allegations because of who made them was always ad hominem. It's also a pretty bad look to hold faculty and the president of the university to noticeably lower standards than the students.

Was it ever proven that she plagiarized?

From what I've read, she copied multiple things verbatim, or with tiny changes that would never have flown when I was in school to avoid plagiarism, nor that would seem to satisfy the standards in place at the time, much less now. I'd say that's proven to the standard that would get students a 0 or other punishment, as reported by students from Havard in a recent school paper article. Hence my point that the issue to me isn't what she did so much as the "rules for the but not for me" response from Harvard.

Of course, what I'd argue would be a better discussion is whether plagiarism (as defined in most schools now) is the huge issue academia makes it out to be. It seems like many (maybe most?) professors don't think strict plagiarism is an issue, yet schools and colleges continue to use it as something they can "easily" check for via text scanning tools. I think the problem is how anal places have gotten over what they think constitutes plagiarism to be far less than is actually a problem.

And of course, I think this is actually all to get her on something for the horrible performance in front of Congress a la tax evasion for Al Capone rather than an actual moral panic about plagiarism.

I know a lot of higher ed humanities teachers at top 10 schools and students plagiarize all the time and usually the teachers don’t even report it to admin.

I love how everyone is such an expert on the intricacies of plagiarism now.

Almost as if this is all fucking bullshit

Zionists wanted to punish the heads of universities for not saying what zionists wanted the to say. They were gonna go after her until they got what they wanted no matter what.

She plagiarized her entire career. She was so blatant she even copied the acknowledgement sections!

People doing shady things like that would be smart to avoid scrutiny.

Now she's gone from the poster child for progress to the poster child for racial discrimination (positive).

Republican detractors have sought to gut funding for public universities

Sounds good to me. Why should they get taxpayer money and charge egregious tuition?