GustavoASantos/Noti: Quick glance, clear progress to Open – 63 points –
GitHub - GustavoASantos/Noti: Quick glance, clear progress

This app track down the download or media playing progress and show progress bar around punch line camera or in notification bar. Pretty handy for people who download content or listen to music a lot.


Get this on fdroid! :)

Issue created!

He closed the issue :(

Makes GPL-3.0 software. "Please don't share the apk file online"

Yeah, it'd be one thing if they said it wasn't a priority or they didn't feel like supporting an additional channel but that was just puzzling

And it's paid. Fucking worthless hack. It's a "free" software that's both paid and you're not allowed to share, why even bother using a GPL like license at that point? Just to get people to work for free on your shitty app?

If my understanding of the GPL is correct, you can definitely build it yourself and publish it on fdroid. Can't use the same name or any trademarks noti has, though.

Thinking about this. I will open a issue on repo tommorow.

Only available on Google Play, why bother...

Build the app from source. It take me just half a hour to download android-sdk other tool to build.

Yep, I really want to fight android SDK again. Just release it on fdroid like other open source projects.

Or be nicer.

That has nothing to do with the topic, you're right, I could've put it more nicely. I'm just tired of "compile it yourself" to people without computers being considered an appropriate answer for a criticism of bad distribution. This app seems wonderfully useful and could have huge popularity, but it's being artificially gatekept by the creator.

It's not being gatekept, they're saying that as an alternative. They said they would release it on F-Droid tomorrow.

Edit: or... Create an issue on the GitHub repo, idk.

Edit2: Never mind

Wow, the entitlement of "I don't want to do things myself, do extra work for me instead".

Wow the entitlement of "I refuse to understand that not everyone has a computer and can do this"

Ok, sure. I recognize that not everyone has a computer. And sure, an F-droid release would be really helpful for those people, if "build it yourself" was the only way to get the app.

But ... It's not like the app is inaccessible. It's on the play store. You can install it.

My main frustration is the outright demand for the project creator to "Just release it on F-Droid" - Something that requires the creator to get familiar with F-droid and do the extra leg-work to release it there. But ... It's an open source app, created for free by someone who wanted to create it. They owe you nothing. Not even "good distribution".

Cant install it on phones without play store, which is not a small number. The additional issue you're skirting is that he is trying to limit release channels. I can't simply clone his work and set it up on an automated distro channel like I could other open source projects, per his specific requests. So yeah I'm going to be demanding a little more than an app that isnt trying to enforce sharing channels.

1 more...
1 more...

Conceptually this is really cool, but the hole punch is oddly misaligned on my Pixel 6, so I can’t imagine it looking good.