Microsoft to add Teams to Android Auto to – 48 points –

That is a terrible idea, we need fewer people talking while on the road. Not people joining in on an entire meeting.

Teams becomes a replacement for phones in business, so likely be more used for 1:1 calls than meetings.

I use teams on a daily basis for work, so I understand it can be a phone replacement. That doesn't negate the issue though. The whole thing is a distraction from driving.

As long as you're saying that in the same way as normal phone calls distract, then I agree.

Yes, this is what we all want. Our car is now part of the office. Fantastic.


I would actually welcome this if my company still let me connect to our Teams from my phone. It was so easy to pop down to the grocery store during the work day and not miss anything at work.

Are orgs blocking mobile? Habent heard of that, not really sure how that works, is there really an admin setting that doesn't allow mobile app usage?

Guess I'd take my laptop and a hotspot...

My company requires the installation of an app that basically has complete access to absolutely everything on your device (the goal is to improve the security of the company network).

My phone is rooted, so it won't even work on mine (though I'm perfectly fine leaving work at work).

Some orgs are requiring Teams access to be from their network (so certain need to VPN in), and then they also limit network/VPN access to their devices. So you'd need a company provided phone or laptop, and not everyone warrants one.

Corporate Teams can be controlled through Active Directory and this stuff has a very fine grained control over everything users can and cannot do. As well as complete remote control over your AD connected devices by sysadmins.

If your workplace uses AD, never connect your personal devices to the network.