Chips aren't getting cheaper to make — the cost per transistor stopped dropping a decade ago at 28nm

☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆ to – 40 points –
Chips aren't getting cheaper to make — the cost per transistor stopped dropping a decade ago at 28nm

Well, at least they aren't getting more expensive yet, it'd be werid explaining to my grandkids how I grew up in the 'age of cheap semi-conductors'.

... but if you take inflation into account if the price is stable then goods are getting relatively more expensive.

... but if you take inflation into account if the price is stable then goods are getting relatively more expensive cheaper.


Imgaine if consumer electronics had only 28nm chips with long-lasting and superior quality software. Every laptop and smartphone would have at least 10 yeear lifespan.

Indeed, the way I use my phone hasn't really changed in over a decade. I use the same few apps like email, calendar, music player, browser, and some messenger apps vast majority of the time. From user perspective, I can't tell any real difference in terms of usability or snappiness in the UI. We absolutely could've been making phones that last and then just continuously optimizing the software to keep getting more out of them. Unfortunately, the pressures of capitalism create an incredibly wasteful industry where companies try to get people to buy new phones as often as possible.