How many of you actually deleted your Reddit account? If not, why didn't you deleted it? to – 7 points –

Some good communities are still there, and it's bearable to use from desktop using Also deleting account would mean deleting saved post history, which I'd rather not lose yet, there are some good resources there

I ran power delete suite on my 9 yo account. It was efficient, untill I realized reddit restored my top posts / comments. So I ran pds again and for now my account is clean. I made a request to erase ALL my data and account under gdpr law and I'll let them delete my account for me. If they don't comply within 30 days, I'll fill a complaint to the CNIL and / or any relevant authority. This shit is not to be taken lightly, authorities won't take it lightly eother if we all do the same.

Edit: just checked back and they restored some of my posts. Third time so far. I won't be deleting my account before I'm sure all of my content is out of their platform.

I haven't because I am waiting for my GDPR data request to be fulfilled (been waiting over 2 weeks already). I have deleted all comments and posts already, but once I get it I will finally delete the account too.

I deleted a couple of weeks ago. I was already sick of reddit and their weak stance on bigots and hate speech, and this was enough to push me over the line and delete the account